


The Craft

Was It Bulletproof?

I strongly believe that it was and I’ll explain why. Wake up people! I mean I know this was the desired effect to have this whole thing be believable at the time but come on, it’s been almost 20 years and I can’t take anymore theories, I just can’t. To those of you who know Tupac and what I mean by know is knowing how he thinks and can relate to his thinking. Do you honestly think that if he went out on that fateful night without his bulletproof vest on that he always wore, do you really think he wouldn’t have something else bulletproof?? Continue reading “Was It Bulletproof?”

Lets Talk Special Effects

It’s been speculated since it was first seen that the image of Tupac’s Autopsied body was fake….soooooo let me explain a few facts on some special effects. Remember the movie Bullet that Tupac did with Mickey Rourke where he played Tank? Well if you’ve seen it (I don’t want to spoil it, if you haven’t seen it.) you know that Tupac ends up with a pretty extensive wound that looks quite convincing. Well the genius behind the special effects for that movie was Bryant Holt. Continue reading “Lets Talk Special Effects”

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